MorphoCluster Library / CLI
MorphoCluster comes with a library (and command line client) for feature extraction, clustering and to work with MorphoCluster tree files.
The client can be installed independently of the MorphoCluster application using pip
pip install morphocluster.lib
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Usage: morphocluster cluster [OPTIONS] FEATURES_FNS... RESULT_FN (Re-)cluster. Options: --tree PATH --min-cluster-size INTEGER --min-samples INTEGER --method [eom|leaf] Leaf or excess-of-mass clustering. (Default: leaf.) --sample-size INTEGER --pca INTEGER --init-tree / --no-init-tree Initialize tree from dataset. --keep-unexplored FLOAT Subsample unexplored data for clustering. Can speed up clustering. Number in range (0,1). --help Show this message and exit.